Follow this guide to unsubscribe from Admiral/RemoteWinBox in your dashboard.

Wait! Having an issue with your dashboard or missing a feature? Make sure to email and let them know before you cancel! #
Cancelling your Subscription #
We understand that RemoteWinBox Cloud may not be a fit for every user. While we are sad to see you go, we hope you found the tool useful while you were subscription, and would appreciate your feedback on how we can improve the service for the future.
- Log into your dashboard and click on the round menu button next to your name in the top right corner
- Select “Profile” from the drop-down

- On the left-side menu under your email, click on “Manage Subscription”

- Click on the red “Cancel Service” button

- Select the reason for cancellation from the drop-down menu
- Optionally, provide additional details about your cancellation
- Note – Cancelling will delete all of your routers from your dashboard. If you re-subscribe, you will need to re-add them.